Friday Format
Meeting Format -- Printable PDF (Revised 02/21/2025)
Service needed:
1. Reader #1: What is Compulsive Debting?
2. Reader #2: First 3 Steps and Tradition 3
3. Reader #3: Just For This Day (Odd Months: Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov)
The 12 Promises (Even Months: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec)
4. Spiritual Timekeeper
Welcome everyone. My name is ______. I am a compulsive debtor, and my solvency date is _____. I am serving as the Technology Host for today’s meeting. I just muted the group. I will post two messages in the chat: 1. The link to this format with all the prayers and readings in use during the meeting; and 2. My phone number. Please text me to be readmitted if you are accidentally dropped from the meeting. I now turn the meeting over to _______, our Chairperson. Thank you.
TECH HOST: 11:00am ET
1. Lock the room.
2. Paste Chat message to Everyone:
3. Paste Chat message to Everyone:
Please note for readmission.
Tech Host - [Insert name & number.]
Good morning and welcome to the Radical Clarity Group - Beginner’s Meeting of Debtors Anonymous. My name is _____. I'm a solvent compulsive debtor. My solvency date is _______. I am your Chairperson for today’s meeting.
The Radical Clarity Group (RCG) strives to create a safe environment for everyone in their recovery. All RCG meetings affirm the DA Safety Guidelines, available via the following link:
DA Safety Guidelines
Please reach out to anyone designated “RCG Security” or email to report inappropriate conduct. All reports will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
All RCG meetings are “Closed Meetings” of Debtors Anonymous – solely for those whose use of unsecured credit causes problems and suffering for themselves and others. Our Tech Hosts maintain a technologically safe meeting environment and may place anyone in the Waiting Room who is not in a private, fixed location or whose Video is off.
As a Closed Meeting, we ask participants to:
1 - Join from a private and fixed location.
2 - Keep your Video “ON” for the entire meeting, even if you need to step away - up to 5 minutes.
3 - Identify with:
**First Name
**Illness - ‘Compulsive Debtor’ - If other symptoms or issues are identified, such as underearning, overspending, or compulsive shopping, you will be invited to re-identify with ‘compulsive debtor’ only.
**Solvency Date
Let us now take a moment of silence for the still suffering compulsive debtor, followed by the ‘we’ version of the Serenity Prayer.
[PAUSE for 5-10 SECONDS]
God, grant us the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the Courage to change the things we can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
Welcome to Debtors Anonymous. Debtors Anonymous offers hope for people whose use of unsecured debt causes problems and suffering. We come to learn that compulsive debting is a spiritual problem with a spiritual solution, and we find relief by working the DA recovery program based on the Twelve-Step Principles.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt. Even if members are not in debt, they are welcome in DA. Our Fellowship is supported solely through contributions made by members; there are no dues or fees.
Debtors Anonymous is not affiliated with any financial, legal, political, or religious entities, and we avoid controversy by not discussing outside issues. By sharing our experience, strength, and hope, and by carrying the message to those who still suffer, we find joy, clarity, and serenity as we recover together.
I have asked ______ to read ‘What is Compulsive Debting?’
Compulsive debting is a disease. We have found that it is a disease that never gets better, only worse, as time goes on. It is a disease, progressive in nature, which can never be cured but can be arrested. Before coming to DA, many compulsive debtors thought of themselves as irresponsible, morally weak, or – at times- just plain “no good.” The DA concept is that the compulsive debtor is really a very sick person who can recover if he or she will follow, to the best of his or her ability, a simple program that has proved successful for other men and women with a similar problem.
As compulsive debtors, we have fallen into patterns of spending that do not satisfy our real needs. Some of us have chronically held back on paying our bills and debts, even when we had the money to pay them. Or we have faithfully kept up our payments to one or two creditors and neglected the others. Some of us have simply ignored our debts for some time, hoping against hope that somehow they would miraculously get paid. Some of us have been compulsive spenders, showering ourselves with things we neither needed nor wanted. When we felt needy or lacking, we splurged on something we could not afford. We spent impulsively, incurred debt, felt guilty, promised never to do it again, and only repeated the same cycle the next time the feeling of “not enough” came up. Having overspent, we often had nothing to show for it and wondered where all that money went. Some compulsive spenders are not actually in debt, but they are still welcome in DA. The only requirement for membership is a desire to avoid incurring unsecured debt.
Some of us have been compulsive paupers, leaving ourselves broke time and again, struggling from one financial crisis to the next. Then, there are those of us who find it almost impossible to spend money on ourselves. The TV breaks and stays broken; that pair of shoes, ready for retirement, is made to work yet another year; and even medical and dental problems go unattended.
This disease affected our vision of ourselves and of the world around us. It led us to believe that we were “not enough” -- at home, at work, in social situations, in love relationships. It also led us to believe that there is not enough out there in the world for us. The disease manufactured a sense of impoverishment in all that we did and saw. In reaction to this, we withdrew into a dream world, fretted over money, and avoided responsibilities.
–"Debtors Anonymous” Pamphlet, pp. 1-2
I have asked ___ to read Steps 1, 2 and 3; and Tradition 3.
Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over debt, that our lives had become unmanageable.
Step 2: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.
Tradition 3: The only requirement for DA membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt.
Higher Power, Remove my compulsion to debt, under earn, or overspend. I am willing to go to any lengths to not debt today.
--Bookmark, “Just For This Day”
Solvency, the primary purpose of Debtors Anonymous, is the practice of not incurring any new unsecured debt one day at a time. Unsecured debt is any form of debt that is not backed up by collateral.
The Radical Clarity Group welcomes those suffering with compulsive debting, and those who are solvent. We maintain a safe environment to share our experience, strength, and hope. We believe compulsive debting is a spiritual illness; and we focus on the spiritual solution offered in Debtors Anonymous.
TOOL 10. Business Meetings - We attend business meetings that are held monthly. Many of us have long harbored feelings that “business” was not a part of our lives but for others more qualified. Yet participation in running our own program teaches us how our organization operates, and also helps us to become responsible for our own recovery.
The purpose of this business meeting is to fill service positions for the upcoming month.
1. Recordkeeper: There is no solvency requirement and the person serves for one month. Who is willing to serve as Recordkeeper for the month of ____? [PAUSE - After a Recordkeeper volunteers…]
Recordkeeper, please post your name and contact information in the Chat.
NOTE: Those who volunteer for the upcoming month, please contact the Recordkeeper if you need information about the service schedule.
The Recordkeeper:
Records the names for each service position for the month.
Emails This is _____, Recordkeeper for the Friday meeting for the month of ______.
Is added as an Editor on the Service Spreadsheet (RCG Google Drive) and fills in the names of all those serving.
Reminds the group who volunteered to serve and the Step / Tradition to be read.
2. Tech Host: There is no solvency requirement and you need to have attended a RCG Tech Host training session with MeLisa or Tony. Who is willing to serve as Tech Host for week 1, week 2, etc...
3. Chair: The requirement for the Chair is 6 months of solvency and 2 Pressure Relief Meetings. Who is willing to serve as Chair for week 1, week 2, etc…
4. Chip Champion: There is no solvency requirement for Chip Champion. Who is willing to serve as Chip Champion for week 1, week 2, etc…
5. Are there any other business items to discuss?
In this meeting, we allow crosstalk and feedback given with kindness and positivity. We do not interrupt, criticize, or correct one another. This is a beginner’s meeting, so we encourage members to ask questions. Solvent members may briefly answer to clarify aspects of the program.
The topic I have chosen for today’s meeting is: ______________.
Shares in Debtors Anonymous are timed. Time is Our Friend. I have asked _____ to be our Spiritual Timekeeper today. Thank you. We acknowledge the Timekeeper at the ‘One-Minute’ announcement. When ‘Time’ is called one minute later, please bring your remarks to conclusion. Thank you.
1. Chairperson Share: I will lead on today’s topic. Timekeeper, please time me for 5 minutes, with a ‘One-Minute’ reminder. Thank you. Hi, my name is _____. I am a solvent compulsive debtor. My solvency date is _____.
2. Timekeeper Share: Timekeeper, would you like to share for 3 minutes?
IF YES: Do you need me to time you?
1. Yes? – Time the timekeeper – and then go to #3.
2. No? – The timekeeper times themself – and go to #3.
3. Less than 1 year: We offer the first 15 minutes of 3-minute shares to those with 0 days up to 1 year of solvency. Please identify with ‘compulsive debtor’ and your solvency date, if you have one. Click ‘Raise Hand’ and I will call on each person in turn. Thank you.
[11:30am ET - PAUSE]
11:30am – 11:50am ET: OPEN SHARE TIME for ALL
4. At this time, everyone is welcome to share, including those with 1 year and more of solvency. Please identify with ‘compulsive debtor’, and your solvency date. I will continue calling on those in the line-up. Thank you.
11:50am ET: We have reached the end of share time. Thank you to all who shared and all who listened. We welcome you to remain for a fifteen-minute ‘meeting-after-the-meeting’ for fellowship and further guidance.
11:50am – 12:00pm ET
We have no dues or fees. In accordance with the 7th Tradition, every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. The money collected pays for our Zoom subscription and sends our Group Service Representative to the annual World Service Conference. The Radical Clarity Group also supports our General Service Office to maintain our DA website, produce literature, and perform services that allow the still-suffering compulsive debtor to find us and get help. If you are attending your first meeting or you are not yet solvent, we ask that you not contribute. Just keep coming back.
The Tech Host has posted the donation methods. We accept donations via PayPal, Zelle, and personal check or money order. Thank you.
7th Tradition donations are accepted via…
PayPal at for international donors and those in the USA.
Zelle at for donors in the USA.
Checks / Money Orders - Please make payable to "Radical Clarity Group" and email for the mailing address.
The Chat is now open to post your contact info. Please create your own outreach list.
The Radical Clarity Group invites homegroup members to join our private WhatsApp Community. Please send an email with Subject Line: WhatsApp to - and include your name and phone number to be added.
We hold a brief Business Meeting on the last Friday of the month. The full RCG Business Meeting is held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm ET.
RCG hosts a total of 5 meetings per week. All information is found at:
I now turn the meeting over to our Chip Champion. Thank you.
Thank you. My name is _____, and I’m a compulsive debtor and Chip Champion today. Here at Radical Clarity “Time Is Our Friend” and we celebrate time with virtual chips and virtual hugs.
The first chip is a 24-hour “desire” chip. This chip you pick up 3 different ways: The first is when you start counting your solvency days. The second way is if you need to restart counting your solvency days, which there is nothing wrong with that - sometimes things happen and you just have to start recounting. The third way is if you just want to remind yourself that you have today and you don’t have to worry about yesterday or tomorrow. If you would like to pick up a desire chip, please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you. [PAUSE - Call on those in the line-up.] Congratulations and big hugs!
The next chip is a 30-day chip - anybody have 30 days? Please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you. [Pause - Call on those with raised hands - and if anyone picks up a 30-day chip, then offer a congratulations.] Congratulations and a big hug!
Next, is 60 days of solvency. Anyone with 60 days? Please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you. [Pause - Call on those with raised hands - and if anyone picks up a 60-day chip, then offer a congratulations.] Congratulations and a big hug!
Then we go to 90 days? Anyone with 90 days? Please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you. [Pause - Call on those with raised hands - and if anyone picks up a 90-day chip, then offer a congratulations.] Congratulations and a big hug!
Anyone at 6 months of continuous solvency? Please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you. [Pause - Call on those with raised hands - and if anyone picks up a 6-month chip, then offer a congratulations.] Congratulations and a big hug!
And now - 9 months - anyone with 9 months of continuous solvency? Please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you. [Pause - Call on those with raised hands - and if anyone picks up a 9-month chip, then offer a congratulations.] Congratulations and a big hug!
Then, for a 1-year solvency anniversary, we actually mail you two chips - one has the year marker and one has your name and solvency date. After Year 1, we mail out anniversary chips with the year marker. These chips are custom made. Does anybody have a solvency anniversary of 1 year or more to celebrate? Please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you. [Pause - Call on those with raised hands - and if anyone is celebrating an anniversary, then offer a congratulations.] Congratulations on your anniversary!!!
Now, we ask those with 1 year or more of solvency to identify their solvency date - so we can all see that, truly, Time Is Our Friend. If you have 1 year or more of solvency, please click “Raise Hand” and I will call on you in turn. [Pause - Call on those with raised hands - and offer congratulations at the end]. Congratulations and a big hug to all!!
Thank you everybody. Please give yourself and your Higher Power a hug for the chip that you hold. I now turn the meeting back to the Chair. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
I have asked _______ to please read:
Just For This Day (Odd Months: Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov)
The 12 Promises (Even Months: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec)
Just for this day, I will be grateful that I have enough food to eat and a place to sleep. If I lack either of these, I will ask for help.
Just for this day, I will ask my Higher Power to remove my compulsion to debt, under earn, or over spend. I am willing to go to any lengths to not debt today.
Just for this day, I will be clear with my money. I will keep a record of every penny I earn or spend knowing that clarity leads to freedom.
Just for this day, I will accept that I cannot solve all my problems at once. I will take at least one small action toward my recovery.
Just for this day, I will live in this moment, right here, right now. I will set aside my fears of the future and my regrets about the past, accepting everything exactly as it is at this moment.
Just for this day, I will remember that there are infinite sources of help available to me. I do not have to be alone. I will reach out to another D.A. member and find hope and encouragement for my situation, even if it seems hopeless to me right now.
Just for this day, I am willing to believe in a power greater than myself--even if my current understanding of that power is limited.
Just for this day, I will face life with courage. With the help of D.A. and my Higher Power, I have what I need to live through whatever this day brings.
Just for this day, I will be of service. I will help someone else and allow someone else to help me.
Just for this day, I will refrain from comparing myself to others. I will honor my own unique gifts and experiences.
Just for this day, I will set aside time for quiet reflection, prayer, and meditation. I will let this nourish and replenish my soul.
Just for this day, I will be grateful for the abundance in my life. I will recognize that there is enough money, enough time, and enough love.
In the program of Debtors Anonymous, we come together to share our journey in recovering from compulsive debting. There is hope. In working D.A.’s Twelve Steps, we have developed new ways of living. When we work D.A.’s Twelve Steps and use D.A.’s Tools, we begin to receive these gifts of the program:
Where once we felt despair, we will experience a newfound hope.
Clarity will replace vagueness. Confidence and intuition will replace confusion and chaos. We will live engaged lives, make decisions that best meet our needs, and become the people we were meant to be.
We will live within our means, yet our means will not define us.
We will begin to live a prosperous life, unencumbered by fear, worry, resentment or debt.
We will realize that we are enough; we will value ourselves and our contributions.
Isolation will give way to fellowship; faith will replace fear.
We will recognize that there is enough; our resources will be generous and we will share them with others and with DA.
We will cease to compare ourselves to others; jealousy and envy will fade.
Acceptance and gratitude will replace regret, self-pity and longing.
We will no longer fear the truth; we will move from hiding in denial to living in reality.
Honesty will guide our actions towards a rich life filled with meaning and purpose.
We will recognize a Power greater than ourselves as the source of our abundance. We will ask for help and guidance and have faith that they will come.
All this and more is possible. When we work this program with integrity and to the best of our ability, one day at a time, a life of prosperity and serenity will be ours.
The 12 Promises of Debtors Anonymous ©Registered D.A. groups have permission for distribution to its members.
In closing, we would like to remind you that in Debtors Anonymous we practice Tradition Twelve, which is the principle of anonymity. This assures us the freedom to express ourselves at meetings and in private conversations without fear that our comments will be repeated. We keep what is shared at meetings confidential. As we work the Steps and practice DA's Traditions and Concepts, we are reminded that recovery is possible and that we are all here for a common purpose – to recover from compulsive debting one day at a time.
Let us now offer a moment of silence for the still suffering compulsive debtor followed by the DA Third Step Prayer.
[PAUSE for 5-10 SECONDS]
Higher Power, I stand before you ready to be transformed. I place myself in your hands. Guide me on my recovery path. Remove my compulsive debting, my self-centered fear, and my own self-will. May I shine to others as a beacon of your power. May I choose to remain on your path always.
–The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Debtors Anonymous: Thirty-Six Principles of Recovery, p. 19
Revised 02/21/2025